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Merry Vixmas 2009!

May your Christmases be cheery and bright! And don't forget the tree, wherever you can get one!

- = January - December 2005 = -


A simple little diddle of Niko, strutting down an unnamed road, music in her ears and bounce in her step.
A Little Warm-Up...

High atop a highrise, this ermine finds her niche for stretching those limber limbs.
Big Buck for Vixmas!

Sketch done for MegaMorphics, for the holiday 2005 season.

- = January - December 2008 = -

Momma Winter's Portrait

This shapely middle-aged vixen is even more of a contemplative and easygoing soul than her oft-unpredictable daughter, preferring to take her time to get revved up to whatever intrigue catches her attention. Once she gets going, she's like her good friend Alta in that it takes quite a lot to slow her down. That's not the only personal characteristic she shares with the sizable dog, however...
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